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189 visa referred after medical!


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My partner has applied for 189 visa and I'm on the application. My medical has been referred as i had an operation last year to remove one of my kindneys. I am 25, now in full health. I provided loads of information with my medical (doctors letters, recent blood tests etc) but still referred. Does anyone know what the time scale is for a decision to be made? It's put a right spanner in the works.



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They will refer anything that is outside the basic parameters. Don't worry you will most likely be fine, it just means that a medic needs to look at it rather than an administrator. If you have already provided the information they need it will help.


who can say about the delay though there doesn't seem to be any way of telling but likely to be a few weeks rather than months, just depends how busy they are.


are you in a tearing hurry?

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