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Already have a pet passport - what next?

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We are hoping to leave the UK to SA winter 2014/15 with Cleo the 34kg retriever. She already has a pet passport and rabies jabs etc as she comes with us to France every year. I am just wondering how long it will take for all the bloodwork/documentation to come through as we are planning on going to France again this July and not sure if we should wait until after we return to get things moving?


Any advice?


Cath x

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Hey Cath


It sounds like Cleo's rabies vaccinations are going to be fine, but she will need a rabies blood sample at least 180 days before she flies and not more than 24 months - so if this has not been done recently then it needs doing.


I would start getting it down now and then it is done and set. In terms of the final bits and pieces they can be done in the winter UK time.


did you see quarantine is down to minimum of 10 days? Is brilliant news!


Any questions or if you want a formal quote then hop onto our website and have a look around





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Thanks Bob.


I had heard about the quarantine amendments - fabulous news - would rather have left the kids in quarantine rather than Cleo. In fact, too you think they will let us crate the kids and ship them out too to save the whinging on the plane??


Am going to head over to your website now and have a look, definitely interested in a formal quote too - got to get prepared :-)


Cheers Cath

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