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457 to pr. aged over 50

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I believe there were some changes to the conditions attached to the 457 visa in September 2013.

A friend of mine who thought he could apply for a PR visa after two years has heard rumours that he now has to wait a further two years as he is over 50.

Are there any alternatives to this? He really does not want to wait another 2 years before he can apply for his PR.

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See Visa requirements/Who could get this visa and scroll down for the circumstances in which an individual aged 50 or over can apply for a permanent residency visa under the Temporary Residence Transition stream of subclass 186 (the Employer Nomination Scheme).


More specifically:


Even if you are older than 50 years of age, you can still apply for this visa if you:






are applying through the Temporary Residence Transition stream, and you have been working for your nominating employer as the holder of a Subclass 457 visa for at least four years immediately before applying, and that employer paid you at least as much as the Fair Work High Income Threshold in each of the four years


Best regards.

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