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almost ready!


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hi all,


firstly, thank you for taking the time to read this.


i have been granted my 189 skilled visa and am set to travel to my new home in WA in July this year, i cant wait!


im lucky as i have family already there so i have a place to stay.


i am a carpenter and have all my qualifications, but each job ive looked at online says "white card required" is this their version of a CSCS card? and how do i get one?


i'll be staying in waikiki but so far i've been advised Iluka is the place to be for the scouse variety ha!


ive also been advised that Iluka is the next up and coming place with lots of work, does anyone have an advice for me?


i was thinking of getting some cvs printed and taking them to as many agencies as i can find and registering with them, ive joined some job finder websites and they all say own tools and transport req, im thinking of shipping my tools across but money will be tight, not sure i can buy a car or van just yet, any ideas there?


wow i have so many questions but ill leave it there for now, dont want to bombard you all, ive already checked out the most important things like, is there sky tv? ha


anyway speak to you soon



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Hi the white card is a Health and Safety card, most sites require you have one before you can enter. They are easy to get on-line by doing a short course,ive known a few guys use this company with no hassles - http://bluedogtraining.com.au/


As for actual job hunting, get out there and sell yourself, approach companys in person, dont just rely on waiting and applying to job ad's.


Lots of luck with everything

Cal x

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