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1.9- Suddenly wages don't seem so great in Oz.


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Its sad when people try to put others off coming in my opinion. Everyone gets out of it what they put in and if I'd listened to the negative comments people offered we would never have made the move here in 2011. So glad we stuck 2 fingers up to the doubters and came anyway. Despite losing out on selling our house in the UK and the exchange rate at that time too we couldn't be happier here, life isn't just about money and our happiness as individuals and as a family is so much greater here. we work and don't earn phenomenal wages but we are comfortable, have no credit cards and debt apart from a manageable mortgage on a lovely home here, but we feel like life is now more about living and less about paying the bills. The people are friendly and we are happy on all levels of our lives. Our 19 year old loves it and our toddler has a great life too. We came with a 'let's do this!' attitude. we left the moans and groans and negativity of the UK behind at Heathrow and made an effort to embrace every new challenge we faced. We want to fit in and be part of this place not criticise and do the classic, never satisfied thing. I honestly believe that if you come with energy, an open mind and a friendly, outgoing attitude you'll thrive here. So to anyone who's not happy here in Aus, by all means hop on a plane and go back to the place you believe is better for you and yours, but don't try to paint a generalised, negative picture for those mustering up the courage to try a new and daunting adventure. Life is short, travel is good for the soul and its better to regret the things you did try than those you didn't. If you hate it, you can go back, no obstacle is insurmountable, its just expensive. Ad if you do go back at least you were brave enough to try it and you'll have learnt something about yourself and the world in the process.

so happy for you & you are so right money not the means to be happy it just clouds your judgment of whats real in life.

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Its sad when people try to put others off coming in my opinion. Everyone gets out of it what they put in and if I'd listened to the negative comments people offered we would never have made the move here in 2011. So glad we stuck 2 fingers up to the doubters and came anyway. Despite losing out on selling our house in the UK and the exchange rate at that time too we couldn't be happier here, life isn't just about money and our happiness as individuals and as a family is so much greater here. we work and don't earn phenomenal wages but we are comfortable, have no credit cards and debt apart from a manageable mortgage on a lovely home here, but we feel like life is now more about living and less about paying the bills. The people are friendly and we are happy on all levels of our lives. Our 19 year old loves it and our toddler has a great life too. We came with a 'let's do this!' attitude. we left the moans and groans and negativity of the UK behind at Heathrow and made an effort to embrace every new challenge we faced. We want to fit in and be part of this place not criticise and do the classic, never satisfied thing. I honestly believe that if you come with energy, an open mind and a friendly, outgoing attitude you'll thrive here. So to anyone who's not happy here in Aus, by all means hop on a plane and go back to the place you believe is better for you and yours, but don't try to paint a generalised, negative picture for those mustering up the courage to try a new and daunting adventure. Life is short, travel is good for the soul and its better to regret the things you did try than those you didn't. If you hate it, you can go back, no obstacle is insurmountable, its just expensive. Ad if you do go back at least you were brave enough to try it and you'll have learnt something about yourself and the world in the process.


When someone starts a thread talking about the exchange rate though, it says something about them - if money is important to them then maybe they should be 'put off'.


We moved to Australia knowing without a doubt we would be worse off - I had a successful business in the UK but we moved for the quality of life not money.


In the end it didn't work out for us, I found the quality of life no better but the whole of the rest of my life will be better for the experience.

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Its sad when people try to put others off coming in my opinion. Everyone gets out of it what they put in and if I'd listened to the negative comments people offered we would never have made the move here in 2011. So glad we stuck 2 fingers up to the doubters and came anyway. Despite losing out on selling our house in the UK and the exchange rate at that time too we couldn't be happier here, life isn't just about money and our happiness as individuals and as a family is so much greater here. we work and don't earn phenomenal wages but we are comfortable, have no credit cards and debt apart from a manageable mortgage on a lovely home here, but we feel like life is now more about living and less about paying the bills. The people are friendly and we are happy on all levels of our lives. Our 19 year old loves it and our toddler has a great life too. We came with a 'let's do this!' attitude. we left the moans and groans and negativity of the UK behind at Heathrow and made an effort to embrace every new challenge we faced. We want to fit in and be part of this place not criticise and do the classic, never satisfied thing. I honestly believe that if you come with energy, an open mind and a friendly, outgoing attitude you'll thrive here. So to anyone who's not happy here in Aus, by all means hop on a plane and go back to the place you believe is better for you and yours, but don't try to paint a generalised, negative picture for those mustering up the courage to try a new and daunting adventure. Life is short, travel is good for the soul and its better to regret the things you did try than those you didn't. If you hate it, you can go back, no obstacle is insurmountable, its just expensive. Ad if you do go back at least you were brave enough to try it and you'll have learnt something about yourself and the world in the process.


Hi Just wanted to say Thankyou, I agree with everything youve written and I know sometimes people simply post comments for "sport" and like to mix it up with negative mutterings...we are moving over (hubby and I and two kids) in a few months and are pleased at the exchange rate in terms of its positive influence on our little pot of savings...however for us its all about the adventure, and the believe that its by far better to try, grab life by the proverbial short and curlies and just see where it takes us. Im very fortunated that my job travels the world over and will allow us to give it a whirl!


Positive "lets do it" attitudes are definitely the way forward.... in my humble opinion! :biggrin:

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