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Visa Advice - 417 to 189?


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Hi everyone,


Hopefully someone can provide some advice on my current situation.


I am currently on a 417 WHV and have been working with my current employer via an agency 4 months. My work was due to finish next week, but they have now told me they would like to keep me on for longer, at least until the end of my 6 month restriction (as stipulated by my visa) and maybe longer if this is possible.


Now as far as I see my options are as follows:


1) Work until the end of my 6 months and then leave (not ideal as I would like to stay and work for longer!)


2) Change agencies so that I am employed by somebody else - not sure if this counts as a change of employer as I will still be working for the same company?


3) Apply for my 189 Skilled Visa (My profession is on the Skilled Shortage list and I meet the points test requirement)


This seems like a good option however from what I have read so far, once my application has been lodged I could apply for a Bridging Visa, however my WHV does not expire until late August 2014, which means the Bridging Visa cannot come into effect until the WHV expires?


Another option would be to apply for my 189 and then once lodged apply for an extension to my 6 month working restriction, on the basis that I am awaiting a decision on my 189? Does anyone have any experience with this and the chances of this being accepted?


As you can see I am unsure which route to pursue and any advice would be great.


Any questions, please ask.


Many Thanks



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I suggest that you consult a Registered Migration Agent about your situation. I have heard that the 6 months restriction will not be waived for any reason on a WHV and if you go ahead and work longer than the 6 months it would jeopardise your 189 application. Also something to bear in mind is that a Bridging Visa carries the restrictions of the original visa, so you will still be kept to the 6 months with each employer.

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