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Any one moved to Oz from (north of) Ireland?


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What shipping company did you use?

im not intending bringing any house hold things.

just tools, large tool chest, saw stands etc.

not a lot of stuff, far too little to warrant a shipping container, even a 10 foot one. Too big and bulky to box up as a part load.

one of them move cubes would be perfect, but alas the Irish Sea proves to be a fearsome stretch of water than 7seas don't operate across.

the tools are worth too much to leave behind.. I'd sooner leave the girlfriend behind than some of my tools!!


i would definitely transport them to any port in Ireland that I could ship them from.

i might even consider taking them to Scotland/England and having them shipped from there.


long winded way of asking, has anyone any suggestions? Move cube style transport from Ireland (preferably north, but not necessarily)


good luck

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If you get in touch with most of the firms that advertise on here, im sure they would be able to sort shipping for you, if you drive your stuff to their depot. We have had 3 of the main shipping firms round in the last few weeks, and they all said dropping stuff at the depot can be catered for with prior arrangement.


(im taking my camper in a box, so it may be easy to load at the depot, than in our street!)

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