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Dilema with what Tempoary Visa to get


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Evening all, I'm in abit of a dilema with what short term visa to get. Im going over to Australia a week tomorrow, i'm not far off getting my 189 pr visa, i have a case officer, police checks should be back this week and i have my medical on Thursday. Problem being my Girlfriends medicals are more than likely going to get referred as she used to have problems with her kidneys before she had an operation to fix the problem, she is fit and well now but from reading previous post's it will get referred for up to 3 months. Is it possible to get a tourist visa here then if i find a job in Australia before my 189 is granted apply for a bridging visa once in Australia or will i have to apply for a working holiday visa? or shall i just take the hit now and pay the extra for a working holiday visa now? if i knew everything was going to be plain sailing with the medicals i would simply get a tourist visa and my 189 should be granted within a couple of days with me landing, how soon after you undertake your medicals do you know if they have been referred? also does that mean there will be a delay with my 189 grant because her meds have been referred, she is going as a de-facto on my skilled visa, sorry for all the questions!!





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