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Possible move to Darwin


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Hi there


My huband and I have recently been told that we may be moving to Darwin. I was just wondering if anyone could tell me a bit more about the cost of the weekly shop out there and what its like to live there.


We've been living in Asia for the last 6 years and are on our 4th in smoggy China so it would be nice to see the sun again but I must admit I find it a little daunting because we don't really know anything about Darwin except for what we've seen online which is mostly how expensive it is and compared to Asia I'm sure its going to be a big difference.


Thanks in advance.



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Everywhere in Australia is going to be much more expensive than Asia. Its like having shopped in Tescoes your whole life and then being dumped in Oxford Street... You cannot compare.


However, the usual things which people struggle with moving from UK to Northern Territory - the heat, humidity mainly, you will be acclimatised to somewhat.


Its going to be a village though by comparison to anything you're used to. Most regional cities in Australia outside Melbourne and Sydney and perhaps Brisbane, are.


The good news is that if you are interested in permanent visas for Australia, it becomes much simpler from NT. The NT Government also provides good information for potential migrants and are very approachable - I would ring Mary there with any extra questions you have. I met the NT Government at the recent Migration Institute of Australia's National Conference in Canberra late last year and they are fabulous. See: http://migration.nt.gov.au/migrate/index.html



Best wishes



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Hi Bonnie


Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. We thought it might be like that, have you been in Darwin long?


We're going to be bringing our 2 dogs with us so there's alot of planning to do before we can even leave china lol.We're hoping it will be a fairly smooth adjustment but you never know. Are there any suburbs that you would recommend for newcomers?


Thanks again.


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We have been here in Darwin since July. Hubby's 3rd time. My first.

We have previously lived in the Cayman Islands (very expensive), Dubai (expensive shopping) and the UK.

Darwin tops them all expense wise. We spend an average of $250 on the weekly shop and then top up. I have to be honest ans say we don't particularly restrict ourselves and we do have nice food. We have 2 year old twins and buy lots of fresh fruit etc for them.

We also have a dog. Her big bag of food costs around $120 and it lasts about a month. I can't give any info on vet fees etc.


One thing I would say about Darwin is just how friendly the place seems. i love it here. It is easy to get around and there is plenty to do for kids if you have them, or plan to.


There are some doggy daycare places and boarding kennels for your pups when you get here. Of course they will need to go into quarantine first. I would suggest putting them in Sydney as it will generally be cooler than Perth. I was worried sick about our pup, but she coped well. Jetpets is a company who can arrange the internal transfer to Darwin for you. They were very good, and reasonable. You can do it cheaper if you can find someone to fly with your pups and take them as excess baggage.


Hope this is of some help



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Hi Joanne


Good to know much it would be vaguely per week, we generally don't restrict ourselves either so we have been worried about the cost oof food especially for the dogs. We don't have children at the moment just 2 crazy golden retrievers lol. What kind of dog do you guys have?


Thanks for your help, I've been looking online at accomodation for us and everywhereseems to be really nice and most have a pool or spa. Do you have any advice on where is best to stay? If we do come over it would be nice to stay where other expats are.


Thanks again



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Hi Claire


Im WA based - in Perth!


But I have lots of Darwin clients as one of my corporate clients runs a major project up there.


Re the dogs, check out our quarantine laws and make sure the dogs are up for it and be prepared for a long kenneling in the quarantie service possibly as far away as Sydney!


Once they arrive be cautious of them mixing with the wildlife - no swimming in the ocean or rivers as the crocs and sharks will eat them and you!


Be careful of snakes too. If the dogs havent seen them they can be inquisitive and none of our snakes that are regulars are safe. So keep them leashed out of the yard, and inspect your yard regularly. I used to live in Queensland and we would get KingBrowns and Taipans in the yard.


Sorry - dont mean to scare you,





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