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Advice on ANMAC professional reference please.


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Hello again all, after much delay my ward manager has finally done my professional reference. She was a bit unsure on how to incorporate the anzco code so has just dropped it in in brackets, i.e. "john smith is a senior paediatric nurse (anzco code #####) on a 20 bedded unit" is this ok? After the long wait for this I don't want to send it off only to find out it's not enough. Also, it's a page long, is that enough or should it be more! She followed the example reference from the ANMAC site so I'm hoping it will be ok!


Thanks in advance for any advice!


Bouncy x

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The key will be the level of detail. If its detailed but short, that might be acceptable, long but all waffle might be unacceptable.


Send through other evidence of the employment, such as Job description, contract, Payslips etc, event your own Stat Dec if she didn't include information you think is crucial.


Hope that helps



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Also make sure she's stated that she's a registered nurse herself . Sounds simple, but one of my team leaders hadn't & it meant my application took nearly 8 months instead of the usual 3 as they had to contact her to ask this then wait for her reply.

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Thanks for those replies, I think what she's done is brief but to the point but I think I might add to it some extra details, can't hurt can it, she's happy for me to add stuff and she'll sign it. I did think about adding pay slips and job description but the example reference states anmac do not accept these! She has stated the dates of my employment, will that be proof for extra points? If not what documentation is required when it comes to visa time and I need to prove length of employment!? Didn't think it would take this long to get all this stuff together so want to get it right first time if possible.


Really appreciate your help!


Bouncy x

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For ANMAC for proof of service I had confirmation from HR departments stating dates of employment and position held, all on headed notepaper, along with relevant professional references. I was claiming 8 yrs though if I remember I had to evidence 10, can't remember exactly sorry. That was fine for ANMAC and letter from them acknowledged this. However when I was allocated my case officer for visa she requested further proof, I had 6 years of P60s so had to ring National Insurance office and they kindly provided proof of my entire working history contributions! So I sent the remaining four years (yearly summaries) along with the P60s and this was fine. Sent as in scanned and emailed.

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Thank you, I'll contact HR tomorrow and see if I can get proof of service from them, hope that doesn't take too long, great advice though thanks, great tip about national insurance and p60's! Where would I be without this forum and you kind folk! Tearing my hair out probably!!


thanks again! X

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