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ACS assessment


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My boyfriend, after he finished the highschool, he started to work. Now, with 8-9 years experience in PHP Developement/ Web Developement with contracts and portofolio, but without any Diploma or Degree (no Bachelor Degre, no Master Degree) , ACS will assess his qualification? Has any chance?

His case can be : No Tertiary Education Qualifications: 8 years relevant work experience completed anytime in past work history plus a successful RPL application ?

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Yes, someone with 8-9 years relevant experience but no qualifications can obtain a positive ACS skills assessment through the RPL process.


You mentioned in another thread that your partner had 6 years experience though, so make sure you're 100% sure he meets the requirements before proceeding.

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Yes, someone with 8-9 years relevant experience but no qualifications can obtain a positive ACS skills assessment through the RPL process.


You mentioned in another thread that your partner had 6 years experience though, so make sure you're 100% sure he meets the requirements before proceeding.


He has 6 years experience in web developement proven with work contracts and references (between 2007-2013), and 3 years experience proven only with a contract, without references (the company was closed about 5 years ago, we have no contact person, no statements). What do you think? We should try to assess his qualification at ACS?

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