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is it just nerves...


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so we leave on the 21st heading back to the UK. I am the aussie and my family lives here and now that we have hit January I can't stop crying when I think about leaving them. I know on paper it is the right decision for us as a family but man I am going to miss them. How on earth am I going to cope with this and what if I keep feeling like this when I get back to the UK. I read all the return to the uk posts and a big point for most people is that they are going back because they are missing family. God this is hard - will be warning my kids off marrying someone who is from across the other side of the world.

Any other aussies in the UK because of OH and how do you manage? I just a sobbing mess and not going to be enjoying the last days I have here with my parents

Cheers guys and a Happy New Year to all

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My DH is at the moment and he seems to be coping OK - even told me that he didn't really need the 6 weeks holiday I booked for him back in Aus, 4 weeks would have been enough! He has siblings though to care for his mum. He was the one who told me he would be depressed if he had to live in UK (happy as Larry now tho!)


When I was in his position I coped just fine because it was the pragmatic thing to do and, quite honestly, I barely gave the family a thought for many years - it was only when they got too old for their regular visits and every time I went home it was "will this be the last time?" that the pull of the family (obligations, essentially, as I'm an only) became tricky.


At least my family never ever guilted me - I know yours have done so and that's not fair. End of the day though, in a mixed marriage one will have everything and the other - nothing! Best you can do is make the best decision you can at the time and suck it up. Having some sense of compromise is important though - for us it was that he would ensure our finances were adequate for me to go home whenever I wanted for a holiday. Until the wheels fell off the parental wagon I lived with that - wasn't what I wanted for my life but it was the least worst option.


Hope it all works out for you and your little family - remember, nothing is forever!

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