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How to qualify for rental property in Brisbane?


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We will soon be looking for a rented property in the Brisbane area but have not yet secured jobs (hoping to get sorted not long after arriving - fingers crossed!). Is it still possible to secure a rented property without a regular income? What information / documentation do rental agents require please?

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You will have to apply for rentals so the more paperwork you can give them the better. You will need to prove your ID so copies of driving licence and passports are ideal. I would also include a copy of a healthy bank account to show you have funds to pay rent and a covering letter stating your new to the country hence lack of Australian references and paperwork.


Hope this helps a bit

Cal x

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Hi Bostick73 I work in real estate so I can definitely help you out with this one :) You will be able to secure a home without a current job it just may be a little more difficult but having all you documents ready will certainly put you at an advantage.


You will need 100 point of id for each adult over the age of 18. This id can be driving licences, medicare cards, bank cards, utility bills, driving licences etc.


You will also need proof of a current visa so anything from immigration saying you have a visa will be good. You will also need proof of how you intend to service the rent - this can be bank statements, centre links statements (centre link is the government payments for parenting or job seekers), or a letter of guarantor from someone that will guarantee the rent for you. An agent looks at a formula of around 30%. Your rent for the week needs to be around the 30% mark of your total weekly income so try and show evidence of this. You will also need two references that the agent can call these can be friends, family or old work colleagues. If you owned your own home before in the country that you are leaving it may be a good idea to have pictures or a letter from the selling agent or renting agent to say how you presented the home. If you are selling the home a link to the webpage is also a good idea. Make a couple of copies of each document so that when you find the home you want you are ready to go. Hope all this helps you out. Good luck - Shelley

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