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Would we be able to extend our visa


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Happy new year to you all


its a long while since I've been on here. The last 2 years have been stressful, but had some great times to.


we move to OZ after trying for 10 years to get there. We move to Queensland in October 2011, myself and my wife a daughter, my son had already been living in Brisbane for 6 months. My wife had a job to go to before we arrived.


all was going great, then my daughter lost her job, my wife's mother died all with 3 months of getting there. So my wife went home late January and so did my daughter as she missed her boyfriend.


To cut a long story short. My wife came back, and all was well apart from missing our daughter. We was in the process of buying a house, which settlement was late September, 2012, only for the owners on completion day not being ready to complete, which really upset my wife as we was looking forward to emptying our boxes and making a home for us and family to come to. We had to pull out of the purchase as the owners couldn't give us a date to complete, plus we had to get out of our rental as it had been released.


While this was happening, while my wife who is a nurse working in aged care was having problem with her foot. Was swelling and very painful to walk on. She had a scan and after seeing a specialist, she needs to have a major operation. This would involve 3 months in plaster plus up to a year of work depending on her recovery rate.


after being told that it could cost up to $30000 plus with physiotherapy, we decided with much regret that if we had it done in Australia it will ruin our chances of buying a house later on. So we moved back late June to the UK 2013 having spent 20 months in Oz.


The problem is, my wife a got a scan this week, specialist later this month, but our permanent visa runs out the 1st week of July 2014:arghh: and I'm not sure Kim will have her operation or recovered by the time the visa runs out.


The question I would like to know is. What are our chances of extending our visa? as I'm 46 and Kim will be 49 by the time our visa ends.


Any information regarding this will be appreciated, as we're worried sick that our dream will be ruined.


sorry for waffling on as my wife tells me, but thanks for reading!!


Cheers Troy & Kim

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I'm not 100% on how it works but as you've spent some time living in Oz you might qualify for an RRV, residents return visa.


Hopefully someone with more experience in this will shed more light on this, otherwise it might be a good idea to run your case by a good agent, they may even run the rule over your situation without a fee initially.


Good luck.

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