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what to clear out in uk?


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Hi everybody , i have already got rid of loadsa bits in uk at carboots and stuff , really want to get rid of more in prep for oz without house looking totally bare , but not sure how to go about it ... given loads to charity already , what do i do with the kids stuff feel mean but dont want a container .. thinking of medium move cube only.


i find it quite cleansing clearing out the house , just about realise how much rubbish i have and dont need!


silly q - got electrical leads im not even sure what for , can they be recycled anywhere ?

should i just start room by room- and work by that , what did others do ??

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I haven't emigrated but I've moved from and to different countries a few times. (Hubby in the forces) anyway I always seem to accumulate a load of crap and we move every 2-3 years so goodness knows how lol


I always start with the kids stuff. If they haven't played with it for 6 months or its too babyish for them now I eBay or car boot it. If it doesn't sell I list it on free cycle or send it to the charity shop.


I go through every room. I used to have a whole drawer full of electric leads if it doesn't match something I use then it gets chucked. Same with clothes if I haven't worn them in 6 months or they are the wrong size they get sent to the clothing bank.


I used to be really sentimental but I've learnt that it's just stuff lol and you can replace 'stuff' however I do have one box of sentimental stuff that I keep with me (kids important baby clothes and things I can't replace)


When we emigrate I want a container but I will be ruthless with what I take. I don't think we will be taking cups and plates etc.


Good luck! I quite like clearing the house for moving which is probably a good thing as I do it so often lol x

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gosh you must be a pro at it now, thanks so much for the insight , i too have decided im going to be ruthless , its a bit difficult when you have hubby over your shoulder saying ' do you know how much that cost ' ... 10 yrs ago!!!, and friends saying - i cant believe your not taking that ...

im looking at my 'stuff ' now and have quickly realised it is just stuff! i could have saved so much money!!!

never mind

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