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Benowa State High School

saunders 5

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Sorry Tina,

I live in Sorrento on the Gold Coast - should have been more specific but it's a long way to school from Victoria lol.

Some times I wish though haha!

Ahh that makes more sense LOL Have you checked out the my school website ? http://www.myschool.edu.au Make an appointment and go for a walk around see how you feel about the school is always a good starting point.

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Hi there, we live in Benowa and my daughter goes to Benowa primary school. I'd heard before we moved here that the primary and high school were excellent, so we went to have a look round. Most schools particularly state schools are much bigger than in the uk and as my kids came from a small school with just one class per year, my daughter felt that it was a bit big. So we went and had a look at the private school st Kevin's next door and it was much more like her old school, so we put her in there. However she really never settled there, a lot of the girls thought they were prima donnas, and lots of fall outs and bullying, to which the teachers did nothing. We kept thinking things would improve each term/year when she changed classes and people, but it didn't. She then made the decision herself that she wasn't going back, so she has just done 2 terms in grade 6 at Benowa and she has never been happier. All of the girls we've met are just lovely and she now has some great friends there. So much different than the other school. She's also improved her maths highly which she was struggling at in st Kevin's.


That aside, apart from our good experience with it, by all accounts it is a good school -not heard any bad reports about it. It's also been selected for excellence in the science. They also have good French classes as a pretence to the French immersion programme at the high school. Also have great music and band and win many awards.


As to the high school, again apparently it is good and gets excellent results, better than some private schools. The excellence programmes apparently are good, particularly the French immersion which someone who is a teacher in another private school told me it was excellent and a great opportunity to do. we did have a look round there for my son who was entering high school,when we arrived but probably caught the school off guard as there were a couple of expulsions whilst we were there! We decided to puts him in aquinas, alhough he has since moved to Queensland Academy which is an academy off excellence for the sciences which takes entries from grade 10. A fantastic school and opportunity if you have a child who is very bright and studious. Not for the faint hearted though!


Not decided whether my daughter will go to Benowa high and do one of the excellence programmes next year or whether she'll also go to aquinas. We'll see what the next year brings.


Hope that helps, but if you need any more info, just give me a shout.



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