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Getting a "non career" job


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Good afternoon all.


My husband and I are waiting for our visa's to come through and from his point of view, he has a job sorted yadda yadda but I have been the type of person to work all hours in a ummm, non career type job. (60+ hour weeks in a care home)


Has anyone ever moved out there on their partners visa and been able to get a job without any qualifications themselves?


I quite fancy working in a cafe....I've had enough of wiping backsides! :P


Has anyone been in that position and managed to get work?


Thanks! :D

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What visa are you coming over on? That could make a difference, if it's PR then you shouldn't have too much difficulty depending on where you are moving too.


There will be competition from people on WHV for hospitality jobs but the fact you won't have to leave after 6 months should be in your favour.


I'm not sure if it's the same in all states but in WA you need to take a course to serve alcohol and there are also course for Barrista's - take those add it'd help get you to the top of the list.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi there, this is just the kind of post i was looking for!


When the time eventually comes I shudder to think what my OH will do for work??? Right now he is the breadwinner while I'm at Uni, but if all goes according to plan our roles will be completely reversed.


He is an HGV driver so it will take a while (changing license over and resitting tests) and a 'right time right place' kinda thing for him to secure work driving so I wondered if warehouse work (forklift) might be an option but can't see much about.


I might have to exploit him and market him as a gigolo :D

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