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How long does Visa 190 take to process in total.


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I am just a bit worried as I have been told I should in theory be eligible for state sponsorship in Qld, my WHV expires the end of Jan 2014. Has anyone been in a similar boat to me, would a bridging visa be granted to cover you until such a time as a decision has been made by the state of Qld or would you have to leave the country?

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Hi Kiera

You would not get a bridging visa while Qld considering state sponsorship.

you would get a bridging visa if the actual visa application (to DIBP) for a subclass 190 visa was validly lodged before the expiration of your WHV.

If you would have enough points for a 189 (independent) visa, then you might want to submit an EOI now for the 189, even before Qld consider the state sponsorship application.

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Hi Kiera,

You could submit EOI for 190, ticking QLD as sponsoring state. I do not know if then you are entitled to bridging visa, but you get an EOI number.


You don't get a bridging visa unless you lodge an actual application i.e. apply and pay application fee after an invite, EOI is nothing but an expression of interest.

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