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A Dogs Life - A Year Down Under

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He Well people that is us officially been here for a year now!! The big flying noisy bird we got put in and quarantine with no tennis ball to hide under my bed is all but a distant memory. Thank goodness!! Our 2 legged thinks we have settled in really well and it's as if this has always been home but I still remember home. We went to the coast....our first visit since we got here and we almost hopped out the car...we really thought we were home and back living at the beach but nope just there for a few days and come on it was warm....it was never warm at our beach in Galway and it never took 3 hours to get there. That was a bit of a let down and the 2 legged all said we looked so disappointed. Not ones to stay sad we ended up enjoying our time. Everyone admired us even after I had a sneaky roll in a dead fish. They all found us highly entertaining especially when my male (dumb) pack member almost got swallowed by a wave. Very amusing. I did think the pelicans were there to fly us back to Galway...they are huge and smelly.


Our house was being sprayed for those numerous bugs and creepy crawlies (note to self those big grubs do not taste nice. Never steal one from a bird again) and we had to go collect 2 legged of the salami tidbits from the place where the big smelly noisy birds live. The 2 legged a said we looked like we pooping ourselves as soon as big bird flew over. We really did think we were going in one again. We were not happy. We should have realised we weren't when those horrible boxes hasn't came with us but we did have 5 minutes of worry. Again sad face equals guilty 2 legs which equals extra tidbits.


Love the fact we get that 2 legged thing Eastenders here, not that I watch that drivel, give me Ceaser Milan any day, but I still get out for a pee when the music comes on at the end. Some things never change no matter what country you live in.


We have discovered the 10 million little lizards in the garden are great fun to chase. I almost gave the 2 leg palpitations at our off leash reserve...I found a bearded dragon to say hello too though it was very rude and kept running away. I didn't bite it (to be honest I wasn't too sure what the hell it was) and when 2 legged whistled I left it alone (for another day, I just want a sniff) anyway 2 legged thought I was chasing a snake so was hyperventilating a bit. Not sure what these snake things are....hhhmmmm,...just know 2 legged does not want us to meet one as she says we are that loopy we will try and investigate what it is.


Word of warning fellow short four legs be careful when they open the gate to the massive puddle in the garden. You have to swim when you jump in for your missing tennis ball and then your little legs can't hop up stairs. It is good fun though and lovely and cool a bit too cool if the 2 leggeds screams when she is getting in is anything to go by. Oh and those heart worm injections are horrible made the other pack member very poorly when he had his (yes dogs too also suffer from man flu) so he can't get it next year lucky him back to his tablet wrapped in chicken. Maybe he isn't as dumb as he looks.


Not much else I can say other than cicadas are horrible!! After stalking by following their funny noise they are not nice and spray Urgh stuff up your nose. Not nice indeed. I almost forgot the swooping birds. 2 legged got her revenge for the Bearded Dragon, I almost had palpitations when one swooped me. How dare it. Does it not realise I chase it!! Now though I admit I am a little scared of walking past it's trees. It seems to just pick on me. It swooped boy dog once and he repaid it by peeing all round it's tree, it tried the next day and he almost caught it so now all it's focus is on me. Ashamed to say 2 legged picked me up this morning as I was walking very very slowly.


Last but not least we have just been informed there is a Great Dane puppy joining the pack in 2 weeks. Can't say I am impressed. I do not like puppies he needn't think myself and dumb dumb will be making him feel welcome that's for sure!! What's mine will be staying mine and it can sleep in the shed if I get my way.


Welcome all Pom dogs and those set to join us. Stay calm and you will see your 2 leggeds soon. Don't worry the guilt they feel is well worth it for those delightful Schmacko things and new toys. I hope you are settling in too. Remember when it's hot out stay in the shade and drink plenty of water.




First picture: The new pack member.....Urgh...

Second Picture: Me after my fist Oz horrible haircut!! Not a pretty sight.

Third Picture: Dumb Dumb (I mean Rex)

Fourth Picture: ME








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Guest Guest16631

.....absolutely brilliant......lol....!

.....so glad they say their settling in.......and how kind of them to tell all the other 4 legged friends........!

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