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Move to Oz and work till yah 80!lol


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This was close to a reality for us if we had stayed and one of the many factors in moving back. At 47, there was 23 years left to pay on the mortgage and it was already crippling us so there was no way we could pay it off quicker (we just had some kind of vague hope the situation would change). My UK pension situation isn't great and all I had in Aus was my employers super scheme.


Back in the UK I now have a pretty clear plan that will enable me to retire at 60 if I need to (I have some health issues) - it mainly comes down to house prices and the ratio between wages and cost of living. Moving from Perth to Scotland puts everything in my favour.


Of course there is more to life than money and we knew before moving to Australia we would have to work for longer, we naively thought the 'better quality of life' would compensate PMSL :)

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