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Risks in Sydney --- Reality or false stories....


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I was reading this webpage for last half an hour...




I am feeling bit upset to see all of these... I am not sure whether these are true or false..

I have seen people are very friendly in there... beginning from the Airport immigration officers...



Yes.. I faced some bad comments near central station while walking with my wife...

A lady was loudly saying "****ing Indian" to us.... and she was trying to make us angry.. but we did not give any notice...

For the second time another lady tried to say some bad words towards me all on a sudden...


Is it wrong to start loving aus without being by born? God knows....


And just day before yesterday I read the below news


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Prudence is the key. I lived in a nice area of Sydney for two years, ventured to the city on many train rides, day and night, and had few problems. Obnoxious teenagers (and there are many), some very intoxicated, were the biggest annoyance; sad, really, more than anything. That being said, I am not a real risk taker, and never ventured into Redfern, Campbelltown, Mt. Druitt, Macquarie Fields, or some of the other crapholes, and don’t think I missed anything, either. Every place on earth has its’ dodgy areas, and Australia is no exception.


Regarding the racial epithets, I found that Australians, generally, do not care for anyone who is not born and bred (as you indicated). They want you to adapt to their culture and way of life, and even if you do, they look on you with disdain. They have a pejorative name for every race and nationality….Middle eastern (lebbo); Indian and Pakistani (curry muncher, paki); American (seppo); Greek (wogs);all Asian (slanties); British (pommie bastards; whinging poms), etc. I am caucasion and felt it whenever I opened my mouth to speak. I’d get a real nice, “G’ day; how ya going”, and then when a shopkeeper heard my American accent the pleasantries would end, and then mild verbal abuse about America/Americans.


Still, Australia is a great place to live, and I wouldn’t let a few dags deter you!


Good luck, mate

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I'd have to agree with all of " Seppos " comments .. I've lived in Australia for almost 26 yrs , still have a " Pom" accent and hence still come in for some banter , some of it jovial and some not so . When you concider that the average Australian Aboriginal person is still regarded as scum by many , then just how do you think an outsider is thought of ?.. They don't even like their own kind . Ive also lived in one of areas mentioned . We stuck it out for 18 months . In that time both myself , wife and kids were racially abused , by people of Anglo background . We ready to pack up and go back home , we moved to a nice country area where the locals were welcoming and theckids immediately accepted , so you see there are some nice people and decent areas out there , it's just finding them that the hard task ... Best of luck in your endeavors ..


Dave C

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