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Narrowing down suburb choices.

Guest hoffer

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So i believe we are now almost there in terms of area's we want to focus our search on but feel we are missing something.


So the areas we are looking at are


Bayside - Advantages seem to be reasonably close to city and 8 mile plains, near water, good schools and decent size houses for our budget.

Hope island/sanctuary cove - Big houses for the budget, nearish the beach, on the water and not too bad for 8 mile plains.


I feel we are missing out on inner city suburbs to look at. I like bulimba my wife however is not keen due to the hills and cars parked everywhere (confusing i know). So other than knowing we will probably be only able to afford a nice 3 bed in the city probably without a pool what area's would you recommend we look at?


For city suburbs we would want to have at least 3 bedrooms, close to CBD and good school (primary), with some nice parks etc for approximately $900 a week.


Although we could spend more in the city as i would only buy one car.


Thoughts would be greatly appreciated as we seem to be going round in circles.

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Western Suburbs. Chelmer, Graceville, Sherwood, Corinda stick to the west side much of the east side floods. Great train 10 minuets into the city huge Indooroopilly Shopping center, top schools state and private. Bit closer to the city Bardon, Toowong (close to Qld Uni) St Lucia, beautiful area, big trees, coffee shops, shopping resturants, everything you could ask for.

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We live in Hawthorne next to Bulimba, big 4 bedroom next to large park. Just love the location. Husband commutes 15 to 25 mins into city, dependent on time of day. We can walk to everything. Have lived in Camp Hill and Seven Hills, they are great too. Have to be honest happier living in inner city suburb than driving/commuting for longer.

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