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Getting a sponsorship 457 for an IT job


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Hello guys,


how to get a sponsorship in Australia for an IT job?

I sent more than 1000 applications through seek.com.au but everytime I got the same answer that I need to have a PR visa!


It's maybe easier to be in Australia to get a sponsorship?


About me:



  • More than nine years experience in the IT sector
  • Excellent and solution-oriented skills as an IT System Analyst and Project Manager, optimisation of ITIL processes, contract management and quality management of projects
  • Intensive experience as a tester and test coordinator in test management
  • Sound experience as a program manager and sole responsibility for the further development of various finance software products
  • Accustomed to assuming responsibility for development projects, identifying decisive time schedules, motivating people and ensuring necessary resources
  • Adept at leading a team of up to eight employees
  • Experienced in the management of complex software development and implementation projects
  • Proven ability to manage complex relationships with multiple party deliveries and implement successful business-related IT projects
  • I can speak fluently English, German, Italian and Spanish



Thank you for any advice!

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Have you thought of a change of tact? Such as maybe applying for a UK company with Offices in Australia and then seeking a transfer a year or two down the line?

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Thank you for your advice! I'm already working in a Oil and Gas UK company that has many offices in Australia. I asked some HR Managers in Australia and they told me that they have many local people with already PR visa!



I also have a positive skills assessment from ACS under the ANZSCO code ICT Business Analyst

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IT jobs are hit and miss - market here in Brisbane is over saturated with local applicants. Can't imagine why anyone would sponsor a BA/PM at the moment unless they had very specialist skills. However if you can get the points for Independent PR, this is the way to go. Far too risky to be a 457 in IT at the moment IMHO. You need to protect yourself and give yourself the option of being able to apply for non IT jobs if the market doesn't pick up.

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Yes, it could be a good way to apply for Independent PR but I don't have enough points. To apply for 489 I have only 50 points included 10 points from the state sponsorship. The other way that I see is to apply for student visa and study in a regional area to get additional 10 points. So I have enough time bulid my network and secure a job after my graduation.

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