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Family member on 190 visa


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Bit of a random one: My partner and I have applied for 190 SS - his on the skilled list and I get to go down as his de facto/family member. Weirdly, when I've mentioned to friends, colleagues etc our intention, the first thing most people have asked is "Well what will happen if you split up" or similar.

Of course, my response has been that we have no intention of splitting up, but it has got me thinking (not about splitting up!) what does happen? I don't actually know if you have any entitlements to remain if you are named on a visa but not the main applicant? I guess not but wouldn't it be the same if you were married and then separated? (i'm sure if we were married, people wouldn't even ask us that question).


I've searched forums and google for answers but not found anything. I'm just intrigued more than anything - mainly so I can shut up the people who ask such rude questions!


Ta muchly


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