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Police and Medical


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About to send off our 802 partner visa without our Medical or police checks. Is it just me that has to get them done or is it both of us? My partner being the sponsor.


Also i'd rather get them done before i send off my application as i heard it speeds up the process. How do i go about getting a police check from the UK and Oz and where do i get my medical done?


My 1 year working holiday visa runs out in February. 1) Do i have enough time? and 2) Someone recently told me that my partner and i HAVE to have lived together a year in Oz. We've lived together for a year but only in Oz since January the rest in the UK.

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Lodge nearer the time your WHV is due to run out. A bridging visa won't kick in till then anyway and you can just keep building up time and evidence. I really see little point lodging so early but there.


Iirc you will be requested by your CO when to submit medical and police checks.


Front loading does not speed up the application. Current processing time last I heard was 13 months.

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Thanks Snifter, As you can probably tell i'm in panic mode when i probably dont need to be.

I did look on the immi website and they reckon processing time is inbetween 6-8 months depending on low or high risk.


I guess we will just wait until after xmas to send it off then as my WHV runs out on the 6th Feb. Although not sure what other evidence i can collect really. Photos maybe? and gives me time to do my police check anyway :-)


Thank you for all your help

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Don't get your police check now. Visa times on the immi site can often be incorrect or not changed for ages.


Recently the current wait time on shore has been running at about 13 months. Although I've not noticed if people have been saying that is dropping. Getting your police check too soon is a potential waste as it may expire before your visa is granted and then you'll have to do it again.


If you are lodging in the new year, don't apply for it now IMHO. Wait till nearer the time. It took 10 days to arrive for me in the UK. Or research a bit more and see if people usually wait till their CO requests it?

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Although not sure what other evidence i can collect really. Photos maybe?


Maybe a few photos. But what they are looking for is evidence that your are a married couple in all but name. So that could be joint travel itineraries, life insurance, car insurance, joint bank account, joint billls (or individual bills at the same address), joint mortgages or rent agreements, wills, cards & invites addressed to both of you (even better with a post dated envelope). Preferably a piece of evidence for each of the twelve months leading to your application.

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