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22 year old final year BSC Hons Computer Forensis Student needs advice.

Laurence Crookall

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Hi guys this is my first post on the site. this looked like a good place to come for some advice as most articles online don't relate to my situation.


Basically i am in my final year of my BSc Hons Degree at Leeds Metropolitan University Leeds UK, and i am looking to move out to the south/east coast in about 18 months to 2 years.


i have a few questions that i can seem to find answers too so any advice would be much appreciated!


Will a Computer forensics degree, allow me to apply for a position on the skilled occupations list, such as a software Engineer, or a programmer, the title of my course dosn't completely match the title of any skills on the list but my course entails all aspects of software engineering.


Is it recommended to go out there as a young adult to set up camp, what are some young people experiences?


where is the best place for a young adult to work and life in Australia, im looking for a balanced mix of beach culture and a laid back work environment?


A part time job in a surf shop would suit me down too the ground aha!


Thanks in advance folks!

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A degree is unlikely to be sufficient for skilled migration, work experience is required for the vast majority. Before applying for skilled migration applicants have to undergo what is called a skills assessment and this will require work experience other than for one or two exceptions, IT occupations not being an exception and in fact IT skills assessments look pretty rigorous.


Accirdingly most that migrate are not young adults, we are usually a little older and have established careers. Young adults go on working holiday visas and most of then return after a year or possibly two.

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Lawrence, for a permanent residence visa the ACS (Australian Computer Society) do have a track for recent graduates (http://www.acs.org.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0016/7324/Summary-of-Criteria-Oct-2013.pdf) so you MAY be able to get a skill assessment from them, given your age, a degree and then if you can get 8 points form an IELTS test you could get a maximum of 60 points, 5 extra points could be available for regional sponsorship, but I'm not sure how likely this is given your work experience.

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