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Mum of 2 under 5's in need of some friends on the Gold Coast

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Hi there,


We moved over from the Uk about 3 weeks ago. We have a place to live now, after living with the in laws for two weeks.


Kids start nursery for a few days next week, my hubby works from home so we don't have much opportunity to meet like minded people.


We have a girl 3 1/2 and a boy of 22 months. We are in the Bundall area, I'm not very familiar with places yet, but I'd love to have some friends to have a coffee with and for the kids to have others to play with. I think hubby would like this too.


Anyone out there in the same boat please pm me for a get together.



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Hi Dawn,


Myself and my wife also moved here from the UK, 12 weeks ago now.


We have settled in fairly well but miss friends also.


We too have 2 children, 2 boys, 4 and 18 months so would be keen to meet up if you wish.


I also work from home so dont have the 'work friends' avenue to explore!


My wife is finding the no friends thing a big issue as she was always out for lunch, coffee and play dates in the UK.


We have settled in Varsity Lakes.


Either reply to this thread or PM me and we can meet up.


Speak soon



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Thanks Nic,


Where abouts on the GC are you?


im in Helensvale, been here 6 weeks with my son who's 16. The groups are Brits on the Gold Coast meet up and Expats on the Gold Coast. I found them invaluable, there's folk of all ages, really good groups.

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Hi there,


Where about on the Gold Coast are you? We are in North NSW and happy to meet up! We are about 30 mins from Burleigh... We have been here 12 weeks now. We have three children aged 6, 5 and 2. Love it but thought it would be easier to make friends! That said, we did spend the first 5 weeks planning on moving to Brisbane (lots of trips up the pacific highway!), then It all changed with a new job offer for my hubby which meant we could stay in Pottsville! The rest of the time has been finding a house, unpacking the container and lots of beach trips!!!


Anyway, if not too far for you I would love to meet up. Maybe arrange something half way...

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Sorry, just seen where you are on the Gold Coast!!!! PM me if interested in meeting up! x


[quote name='Team Edwards;1936353264


]Hi there' date='


Where about on the Gold Coast are you? We are in North NSW and happy to meet up! We are about 30 mins from Burleigh... We have been here 12 weeks now. We have three children aged 6, 5 and 2. Love it but thought it would be easier to make friends! That said, we did spend the first 5 weeks planning on moving to Brisbane (lots of trips up the pacific highway!), then It all changed with a new job offer for my hubby which meant we could stay in Pottsville! The rest of the time has been finding a house, unpacking the container and lots of beach trips!!!


Anyway, if not too far for you I would love to meet up. Maybe arrange something half way...[/quote']

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Everyone,


My Wife and I have been here just over a year with a 2 and a half year old daughter and 3 month old son. We would be happy to join in with any meet ups and get togethers to try and make some new friends.


We are just up from you Nic in Pacific Pines.





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Hi Dave,


We have had a couple of meet ups with Team Edwards and Wattsy, pm me if you want to arrange something. The more the merrier. I am in Bundall. Not to familiar with Pacific Pines at all, is it in the northern GC .


Where abouts in the Uk are you from, I'm from Essex, but hubby is from the GC.




QUOTE=DaveD;1936361902]Hi Everyone,


My Wife and I have been here just over a year with a 2 and a half year old daughter and 3 month old son. We would be happy to join in with any meet ups and get togethers to try and make some new friends.


We are just up from you Nic in Pacific Pines.





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