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Can Anyone help with Plumbing license information???


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My husband is a plumber/gas engineer. He has completed the vetasses test but now unsure of what else he will be required to do to be able to work in oz. We are heading to NSW, not sure yet of exact part. The information we are reading on tradies is a little off putting as it appears it could take some time in additional training to convert all his experience into Australian qualifications.


Anyone able to advise of the process and possible costs. We still want to follow our dream of moving over but deeply concerned as to what needs to be done.


We have 2 boys of 3 & 5.


I work in finance but need to settle the boys before I look for full time work. Seriously worried on how we can achieve an income while going through the additional training and length of time it will take.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated:smile:




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Hi Susan, My name's Michael.


I moved to a Northern Suburb of Perth 8 weeks ago on a permanent visa with my wife and two young children. I am a plumber/gas fitter to trade back in Scotland but my qualifications meant nothing here. I too did my Vetassess before leaving the UK. I have just finished my trades recognition at the TAFE institute in Freemantle, Perth. The Pom Queen is correct, each state is a little different. It's worth noting however that one of the guys on my course had flown over from the Gold Coast to do the course in Perth as it was both cheaper and quicker (two weeks).


Bear with me as there is a few things you will need to know but I'll try to stick to the point.


Firstly, your husband will need to take the migrant plumbing course (two weeks full time). This costs around $2400 if you do not have a permanent residency visa. If you do have a permanent resident visa, the cost is around $700 as it is subsidised by the government. He will need to buy a copy of the regulations (AS3500) which is $370. However, there is a way to download the regulations for free at the TAFE college but he will need to find a decent print shop to print off the copies. I did it for $80, saving me nearly $300!


The course is fairly easy and as long as he has proof that he has worked as a plumber for 5 years or more, I see no reason why he shouldn't pass. It's all open book.


This qualification will give him a Plumbing Licence but he will not be allowed to sign jobs off ie. work for himself. For this he will need a Plumber Contractors licence which is a further 3 weeks at TAFE and another $600 (roughly) I have still to do this but I know that I will need to get some on-the-job training before I attempt it, things are quite different here.


The Gas course is separate. Firstly, he will need to get his restricted licence (they call it Class G). This means that he can only work as a supervised engineer ie. needs to have his work signed off by a Class III Engineer. This course is a bit of a farce in my opinion. It costs around $360. There is some online work to do initially then 1 day at the TAFE college to sit the test. It mainly consists of regulations and safety features. Common sense to any qualified engineer in the UK. It can't be failed. (again, my humble opinion!)


This restricted Gas Fitters licence (Class G) lasts for 12 months, extendable to 24 months if required. It is advised to get some experience during this time before sitting the Class III Gas Fitters course (another 3 weeks and slightly less than $1000). The Class G licence can only be validated by an employer who needs to be fully qualified, a hurdle I have yet to vault.

Most Migrants apparently fail if they sit it without Australian experience. Same for the plumbing contractors licence. I'm going to wait a while before attempting both, I'll need to earn some cash first as my pockets are wearing thin.


Right, that should give you something to go on for the time being. I can't say for sure how different things are over East, maybe less dramatic. But please do not worry. I have good tips and advice should you need them. I can PM you details of the College I attended and the very nice lady who works there. She has all the information you need and quite happy to talk you through it. My wife can also fill you in on how we have managed with the kids etc.


Please feel free to ask any more questions and if I can help you out, I will. We are still jumping through the hoops but all in all, it's certainly worth the effort. Australia is definitely the place to be.


All the best in your endeavours.


Michael :eek:

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Thanks to everyone but Michael your post is a great help. Most of the feedback we have had not been positive and gave us great concern over if we were doing the right thing. I will speak to my husband and be in touch as we are yet to apply for our visa. We are not sure of our exact destination but likely NSW or QLD. Quick question....have you completed all your college work and found a job?

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  • 4 months later...

Hi there.. This post is great as my partner and I are looking at getting a perm res visa in the near future. he is a plumber (not gas) and we were wondering how it all works.. Michael, are you able to advise on Vetassess as he is about to sit this and wondered if you have any advise or tips on how to get through it? Any tips or advice would be most grateful.. Thanks J

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  • 10 months later...

Hi Susan, you have just commented on my post regarding work for plumbers over in oz. I see you have two young boys! We to have young boys, 5,4 & baby who is 3 months. Have they settled ok? Are they missing family much? Your concerns regarding licences etc etc are what is worrying me atm. I can see its going to cost money, but how much?? We will have a bit of money behind us but not sure if it's enough!



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Hi Laura, I just replied to you other post I commented on. My 2 boys have settled great. My eldest who is now 6 went into school for the final 2 weeks and loved it. My baby who is 5 in April starts next Tuesday and is looking forward to it. Please do a not if research on the schools in the areas you hope to live in as some schools fair better than others. My boys are going to a state school but have a great reputation. The do composite classes which is not common here. The licenses etc look as if they may cost but if he has his 1&2 driving licenses he will get work. Do you have anyone you know that will be close by?

we stayed with my husbands friends uncle and aunt who have been our saviour. Please keep in touch and I will help all I can. My email address is Susan-scott@hotmail.co.uk if you need any more advice, happy to help x

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So glad your boys have settled well. My eldest is very excited about the whole idea of Australia but our 4 year old is less enthusiastic. A colleague of my husbands moved over to adelaide some years back now and they keep in touch but don't know them well enough to stay with. We'll hopefully arrange some temporary accommodation here and then find somewhere more permanent once we arrive. We have a dog who will be joining is so not sure how hard it's going to be to rent, cos here in the uk it's a nightmare finding somewhere. My husband is hopeful he will find work but I try to be more realistic. Like you say though he has got his hgv so can always fall back on that. I will definitely take you up on your offer of help! Thankyou so much for your email! I always have so many things running through my mind but no one to ask...So expect to receive lots of messages lol! x

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No worries Laura. I will let you know how things go work wise for my husband. We had never met the couple we stayed with but now friends with them and they act like grandparent figures to our kids. Do some checks about places as its pretty expensive for hotels etc. yeah anytime, if I can help in any way I will. I know it's hard and it's the toughest thing leaving family n friends behind. Look forward to hearing from you, Susan

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