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Documents required for Student Visa


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Hello everyone!


We have just applied online for a student visa. I don't know if its just me, but I cannot find what documents I need to attach to the form! Is there a specific list somewhere? Or is it only what they request?


I logged on to 'check application' and I found my partner (the main applicant) had his health requirements met. However, I need a chest x-ray. Is that a standard check? Why me and not my partner to? As I am only a de-facto partner on the application.


All I can find online is a list on what type of documents can be uploaded and seem to be going around in circles back to this same information.


I thought this application was going to be fairly straightforward and now I am confused ! Any help would be hugely appreciated thanks!


Chloe :arghh:

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Have sent an appointment form and sorted out the chest x-ray. But I still cant find any detailed information n what documents are needed. I'm looking on the immi.gov site and the link under 'Student Visa Chooser' doesn't appear to be working.

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Hi there,

I applied for visa 575 before going on exchange to Australia. I don't know, if I can help you, don't remember much, it was less than 2 years ago though.

So first, i sent application to uni and got an electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE). Using CoE I applied for visa online.

I think I might uploaded some necessary docs but I really don't remember. The only thing I had to do was medicals. The medicals took a while so better book them asap.

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Thank you all for you help.


I received an email this morning confirming our application was successfully lodged and that a case officer will contact us with any necessary documents required. Phew! It seems I just panicked a bit! As when I finished the application yesterday it asked me to upload documents before I exited the page. Have sent an email for chest x ray so it's all a waiting game now.


Thanks again!!

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