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Successful Medicals with pre-existing conditions


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When we started applying for our 457 visas we were really worried about pre-existing medical issues my partner & child have, we spent a lot of time searching sites like PIO for any information we could get, so now they have been successfully granted we want to post about it incase the information helps anyone else.



The medical issues were:

-My daughter was born with only one kidney & has hydronephrosis & reflux with that kidney, she needs to take antibiotics every day to avoid infection. Her best case prognosis is that the hydronephosis & reflux will correct themselves as she gets older and she will live a normal life, and the worst case is they deteriorate and she will need dialysis & a transplant.

-My partner had a malignant melanoma (skin cancer) 4 weeks before submitting our 457 application (great timing!), it was successfully removed and the consultant gave a good long term prognosis.



With the above issues we were obviously very concerned that we would get turned down, but after researching on PIO we made sure we got letters from their medical consultants listing exactly what the situations are and took these with us to the medicals.

Because they were classed 'B' the medical results automatically went to review & after a very nervous wait of 4 weeks they got passed, and 2 weeks later the visa was granted.



The doctor carrying out the medicals confirmed that the most helpful thing to do is take as much information to the medicals as possible, so when it's reviewed they have all the facts to work from.



Hopefully this information can help anyone who's going through something similar.






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