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RPL Application


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So it seems I have no eligible qualifications that are of use to the ACS. Therefore I have to go down the RPL application road and I wanted to ask for advice, who here has done the RPL and what their experience was like. This is my scenario, please give me your opinions.


I would like to apply for 263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer which is on the SOL.


I have 14 years of experience in the nominated occupation. (I believe you need 8 for the RPL application, leaving me 6 to use for the DIAC work experience requirement)

I also have very good references for all of those years from the 3 companies I worked for.

During this time I attended relevant courses MSCE, MCP, Exchange etc, I then completed my MCP in 2002 and CCNA Routing and Switching in 2010.


A few questions I would like to know:

Does the RPL count towards any points?

If someone has completed an RPL, how detailed was your application. Do they want to know every bit of knowledge you acquired throughout those years according to the RPL guidelines.

Does the RPL cost anything?


Anything else you think would be useful to me before I dedicated the next few months compiling the form?


Thank you for your time.




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No you get no points for the RPL or ACS assessment at all I'm afraid. It's all on age, English test (IELTS), work experience, education and state sponsorship. (http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/pdf/points-tested-migration-fact-sheet.pdf)

You write the RPL against Key Areas of Knowledge (http://www.acs.org.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0011/5969/Key-Areas-of-Knowledge-1-July-2012-V1.pdf) I'd suggest you work on at least 6 of the areas (I'd say the first 3 ar emandatory), you need to be methodical in stating for each are very clearly, a) What you learnt b) How you learnt it c) Your experience in applying that knowledge.

As for detail I wrote approx 14k works, I hav eno idea if that was overkill but my agent said it was fine at the time and they approved me.

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No you get no points for the RPL or ACS assessment at all I'm afraid. It's all on age, English test (IELTS), work experience, education and state sponsorship. (http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/pdf/points-tested-migration-fact-sheet.pdf)

You write the RPL against Key Areas of Knowledge (http://www.acs.org.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0011/5969/Key-Areas-of-Knowledge-1-July-2012-V1.pdf) I'd suggest you work on at least 6 of the areas (I'd say the first 3 ar emandatory), you need to be methodical in stating for each are very clearly, a) What you learnt b) How you learnt it c) Your experience in applying that knowledge.

As for detail I wrote approx 14k works, I hav eno idea if that was overkill but my agent said it was fine at the time and they approved me.



Thank you Arrumac, very useful indeed. Luckily I have family there so I'll be using their sponsorship points for my 489 visa.


In the KA document is states that "None of the areas are mandatory: applicants will be allowed an opportunity to address areas of knowledge they acquired through their experience."


I guess it's all a matter of making sure there is enough content in there to keep the assessor interested.


I'm wondering, could you be so kind and send me a small snippet of one of your subtopics, simply to demonstrate the format. I understand the ACS is big of detecting plagiarism, so rest assured, your content will not be used in my application, feel free to change it up a bit if required.


If you want to send it privately, let me know and I'll provide you an email address.




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I'm just tried to PM you but the forum wouldn't allow it. Maybe because i'm a first time poster (long time watcher though)


I've recently completed an ACS RPL and I'm registered with an agency, so they gave me pointers here and there.


I know all about the process and what's involved, especially as I applied in the 263112 Sys Admin, which is very similar to yours. I would be happy to help you out and give you some advice but I'm not going to send you my work.


This is your journey and you must do it alone!


In a nutshell:


My main RPL was about 30k words but your's might be shorter. I wanted to provide the most comprehensive level of detail about what I knew so just typed until I had said it all. Read your anzco code thoroughly and compare this with the options,complete the options that best fit your skillset. Do the hardware and software fundamentals, but the remainder is your choice. Note that I also added some headings for subjects like active directory, virtualisation etc under the main headings.


Remember you need to do 2 project forms and supply loads of documentation.


It might be best to PM me if you want to chat further. My application is still in the system and I should be getting the result any day now.


Best of luck if I dont hear from you.




The downloadable RPL form serves as the template for the entire document

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Hi eddix99,

My application got rejected as well, they say my education is not enough and that I should change it to RPL.

I read the document many times, read the forums but I am still not sure what I have to do, could you just send me a sample or an example just so I can have an idea of what to do?




I'm just tried to PM you but the forum wouldn't allow it. Maybe because i'm a first time poster (long time watcher though)


I've recently completed an ACS RPL and I'm registered with an agency, so they gave me pointers here and there.


I know all about the process and what's involved, especially as I applied in the 263112 Sys Admin, which is very similar to yours. I would be happy to help you out and give you some advice but I'm not going to send you my work.


This is your journey and you must do it alone!


In a nutshell:


My main RPL was about 30k words but your's might be shorter. I wanted to provide the most comprehensive level of detail about what I knew so just typed until I had said it all. Read your anzco code thoroughly and compare this with the options,complete the options that best fit your skillset. Do the hardware and software fundamentals, but the remainder is your choice. Note that I also added some headings for subjects like active directory, virtualisation etc under the main headings.


Remember you need to do 2 project forms and supply loads of documentation.


It might be best to PM me if you want to chat further. My application is still in the system and I should be getting the result any day now.


Best of luck if I dont hear from you.




The downloadable RPL form serves as the template for the entire document

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  • 2 months later...
As far as am aware ACS are the equiv of VETASSESS for the IT world, you should be good to submit with ACS thumbs up and IELTS... Good luck.



Thanx for quick reply...


ACS counted my exp. after june 2007....but they hvnt mentioned abt my qualifications, how can i claim my qualifications points.


age: 34 = 25

ielts: 7 = 10

exp: 6.5= 10

qualificat= ? (bachelor but will in EOI i get points..)


do i need to uploaded asked documents in EOI directly...

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  • 2 months later...
Thanx for quick reply...


ACS counted my exp. after june 2007....but they hvnt mentioned abt my qualifications, how can i claim my qualifications points.


age: 34 = 25

ielts: 7 = 10

exp: 6.5= 10

qualificat= ? (bachelor but will in EOI i get points..)


do i need to uploaded asked documents in EOI directly...


you will need to get your qualification assessed from VETASSESS. Your case is same as mine and awaiting outcome from Vetassess assessment to my qualification. It's called the PTA (Points Test ADvise)

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you will need to get your qualification assessed from VETASSESS. Your case is same as mine and awaiting outcome from Vetassess assessment to my qualification. It's called the PTA (Points Test ADvise)


Are your sure you NEED to have Vetassess a degree especially when going via the ACS already? The PTA assessment is only an opinion, its not binding in any way. I'd suggest if your degree is from a reputable institution and is of comparable quality to an Australian degree it may be fine. In any case its always recommended to use a reputable Migration Agent.

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