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We got 190 visa grant last week and by next month we as a family are moving to a designated area in Queensland. I would like to sponsor my brother for 489 designated area sponsorship by relative(489 visa).My question is for how long should i have been living in designated area before i can sponsor my brother.On a form 1227 it say i should be living currently in designated area which seems fine to me but also on the form it ask for my last 2 yr employment history.does it has to be in australia? Pls anybody who knows do share your knowledge about eligibility of being a sponsor. All replies are most welcome.





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2) As I am aiming for a 489 FS visa (Western Australia that is) I have learned from a migration agent that "The requirement for a “settled” sponsor does not exist for subclass 489 visa applications."


Better you ask around too and post here what you find out. Thanks!

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