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Brisbane - Senior CAD Designers/Managers Roles


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I'm new to the site. My husband has been pretty much offered a job as a CAD Manager in Perth. It's always been our dream to move to Oz after travelling there 10 years ago. However, they want someone to start the job ASAP and it's all too much. After doing lots of research, it appears that the cost of living has changed a lot since we were there and although he would be getting a good wage, it would be about us leaving everything behind to live the dream. But that won't happen if his wages aren't gonna go very far, as what I'm reading suggests that Perth is very expensive.

So, the question is...should we get ourselves sorted out over the next 12 months but look for work in Brisbane? My brother lives in Hervey Bay, but we didn't get to see the east coast past Sydney so don't know what it's like. It isn't an option to suck it and see, he will need a job to go to as we don't have the capital to take the risk and just go. Any help would be greatly appreciated:)


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