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State Sponsorship - Victoria - Changes to Wanted Skilled Occupations

Alan Collett

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Update to Victoria's skilled occupations list. These are occupations that can be sponsored for a visa under subclass 190


Added are:


Child Care Centre Manager

Primary School Teacher (with specialisation in languages)

Physicist (Medical Physicist Only)

Nuclear Medicine Technologist

Metal Machinist (First Class)

Health Information Manager


Removed are:


Plumber (General)



Carpenter and Joiner


Accountant (General)

External Auditor


Applications in the removed occupations will continue to be accepted by the Vic Government until the 24th of September, 2013.


Best regards.

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Hi Alan,


Is that change in these state occupation lists is according to the following assessments or it depends on states discretions.

Please have a look to the link..




Few occupations which are not in the shortage lists are still in VIC state list.


At this time NSW and WA has the minimum requirement's for state sponsorship's. Presently I feel the new government will also bring some significant changes and it might be tougher, as should be in place also. Because migration to Aus is in boom. and many even if semiskilled Aus is hiring.



Thanks ,



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