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Commuting from Northern burbs of Sydney into town by scooter


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My OH has a friend who lives in North Sydney (but closer in than the areas you are looking at) and I'm pretty sure he scooters into Darling Harbour every day (not literally!). Let me see if I can ask him and I'll get back to you...


thanks vicky, much appreciated. Keen to find out about parking etc ...

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Your Brave!! There's some shocking drivers on Sydney Roads... Mind you at least you can scoot down the middle of the traffic lanes in rush hour.


Public Transport is pretty good from the Lower North Shore to the City if you need it and you can cycle over the harbour bridge but not sure about wider areas. There is pretty much always some kind of traffic jam during week day rush hour



Anyone do this? I'm looking to live around Forestville, Belrose sort of way and considering transport options.



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thanks vicky, much appreciated. Keen to find out about parking etc ...



I spoke to my partner and he confirmed that he friend travels from Wollstonecraft area to Darling Harbour ever day and sometimes has to go a bit further (to Ultimo area) 1-2 days per week. My partner confirmed that the roads are very congested, particulary Sydney Harbour Bridge, and that he wouldn't do it personally - mainly due to the not so good driving that is often displayed by local drivers and the fact that everyone he knows who has a motorbike of some sort, has been involved in at least one accident... So not much to report back to you I'm afraid, other than "be careful" !!

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I know exactly where you are. If you are in Belrose, Frenchs Forest, Forestville area, bus to city can be boarded on Warringah Road or on Forest Way and away you go, mate!! This is the easiest way, no doubt. Go to http://www.131500.com.au, punch in your travel details, and bob's ur uncle!! Scooter might take forever, but contrary to what is posted here, Aussie drivers are fine.....nothing like here in the states!!

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I know exactly where you are. If you are in Belrose, Frenchs Forest, Forestville area, bus to city can be boarded on Warringah Road or on Forest Way and away you go, mate!! This is the easiest way, no doubt. Go to www.131500.com.au, punch in your travel details, and bob's ur uncle!! Scooter might take forever, but contrary to what is posted here, Aussie drivers are fine.....nothing like here in the states!!


Thanks, the bus does seem like a really good option. Maybe I'll just get a scooter for running around :) Cheaper and more environmentally friendly option than a second car!

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Yes, the buses are really good. From the N. shore they will stop first at Wynyard station, then terminate at Town Hall. On the way back, you can pick them up at Town Hall or Wynyard, but one street north as the road into Wynyard from the bridge is one way. Can't recall the name of the street, as I have been back in states for a few years. If you have to take the train, you can take bus into Chatswood, also from Warringhah Rd or Forest Way. Scooter is a really good option, and if you don't need a second car, I wouldn't get one. Cheers!!!

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