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Offshore job applications


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Hi all,

I obtained my 190 visa in July this year since then I have applied for quite a few jobs whilst I have been trying to sell my house. Unfortunately I have drawn a blank on both fronts.


I've also noticed quite a marked slow down in the jobs market in Oz in my line of work, mechanical engineer / maintenance manager, mainly down to the mining slowdown and more people with the same (or better) experience looking for work. Obviously these people will be looked on favourably in any job application process.


I now find I've got a few 'more' big decisions to make,


Sell my house at a loss to move quickly and move over with less savings to see me through to finding a job / if I find a job.

Activate my visa and keep applying for jobs and hope that something comes along, whilst continuing to attempt to sell my house


Moving without selling isn't an option unless I get a job lined up and this is looking really doubtful.


Just starting to wonder how long I will keep my life on hold to make this move. I have good job here so am obviously looking for a decent job in Oz for a similar standard of living.


I've always said that emigrating will not provide a better life, just a different life but i'm not prepared to make it financially worse.


Is anyone else struggling with the jobs market out there and is re-considering the move or are experiencing the same problems as myself?

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It is a hard one and a choice that most people face when they do it. Very few people are able to get a job lined up before they arrive, so it is a gamble.


Have you soken to any of the recruitment agencies about how the market for your skills is doing? That might be an option. The other would be to identify some of the larger companies in the sector and give them a call as well.


I suspect your suspisions about the mining slowdown have a negative effect for you are correct - a number of mines have closed or downsized and laid staff off - two of the largest open pits with large fleets of vehicles have closed recently.


I would consider coming for an activation visit and take it from there

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We applied for a few jobs before we came out but no one was interested until we moved here in Oz full time. Once we arrived we had a few job offers of which one of them was a really great job luckily. It is a big gamble I know, we

found it very scary moving here without a job and leaving behind a great one. Now we've been here for just over a year my OH is getting head hunted on several occasions so there are still jobs around.OH is also an Engineer working now in the mining sector. Try regional areas to start with for experience and once you have a year or so under your belt you will be in better shape to choose a little more.


Good Luck

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Thanks for the replies VS & Eng. The validation trip is very much on the cards. I have been in touch with a couple of recruitment agencies, however they seem very reluctant to enter into any form of communication until you are in the country. Well i'll just have to keep plucking away, thanks again for your replies.

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