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After Medicals & PCC & Form 80??


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Hi gtaark,


If you read the forum and others timeline you will get an idea that most of them got their GRANT after 2 to 3 days of submitting their meds,pcc and Form 80. There are some who received after 1 week or max 2 weeks.


If your medical gets referred then it will take around 2 to 3 months if you are unlucky. Some referred cases have received their Grant withing 1 to 2 weeks, so can't really give you an exact answer. All depends on the Global health/MOC (Medical officer of Commonwealth) both are same.


I will pray for you that you will receive your Golden mail anytime soon keep your fingers crossed.




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Thanks Shugah for your prayers...my medicals have been cleared from what I came to know..now just awaiting the Golden email.


How is your case progressing?




Hi gtaark,


If you read the forum and others timeline you will get an idea that most of them got their GRANT after 2 to 3 days of submitting their meds,pcc and Form 80. There are some who received after 1 week or max 2 weeks.


If your medical gets referred then it will take around 2 to 3 months if you are unlucky. Some referred cases have received their Grant withing 1 to 2 weeks, so can't really give you an exact answer. All depends on the Global health/MOC (Medical officer of Commonwealth) both are same.


I will pray for you that you will receive your Golden mail anytime soon keep your fingers crossed.




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Hi gtaark,


No worries mate all good in the hood thanks. I already received my grant 15 August 2013, flying to Melb in oct 2013. My wife will join me Jan 2014. Have lived in Aus for 3 years and miss Melb badly. Looks like this Christmas Santa's coming to gold coast in swim wear , cant wait to swim with him and the sharks hahahahah.





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Great..Wish you best of luck!!


Be safe from sharks :)


Hi gtaark,


No worries mate all good in the hood thanks. I already received my grant 15 August 2013, flying to Melb in oct 2013. My wife will join me Jan 2014. Have lived in Aus for 3 years and miss Melb badly. Looks like this Christmas Santa's coming to gold coast in swim wear , cant wait to swim with him and the sharks hahahahah.





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