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Bricklaying test in manchester..


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Hi hello ,was wondering if anyone has done the technical interview over skype with an australian assessor rather than the practical test in london for bricklaying....iam torn between the two,iam more of a hands on really but our agent thinks i would easily pass the interview as ive been walling for over 25 years......plus londons over 4 hours away and manchester is only an hour...:arghh:

any help much appreciated.........

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My husband is a bricklayer and he did the interview test in Manchester. He was due to go to London to do the practical but it turned out that there was not any space left and we did not want to delay. He didn't want to do the interview as he felt more confident showing rather than talking but it was fine. He has over 20 years experience and the questions were not difficult for him. I think there were a few slightly different terms but these were not difficult to interpret. The interviewer was friendly and put him at ease however the Skype connection kept breaking so he had to finish it on the phone!

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Hi, thanks for the reply i was starting to think nobody had done the test in manchester.The next exam in london is in september and we are away on hols so manchester it is.iam told the wait is about 3 weeks so fingers crossed.....thanks again..

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Good luck! My husband said I should tell you that during his interview some random person walked in, sat down and started eating their sandwiches! Very odd - there was already someone monitoring the interview who sat quietly in the corner. No idea for the reason the other person came in - we think someone must have pinched their seat in the main office! It was not very professional overall but that kind of put him at ease really!

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My partner had to go to London ffor his bricklaying skills assessment on Monday and was never offered a cchoice of practical. He had to have a conversation via Skype with an assessor! Luckily we got the results on Wednesday that he was successful!

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