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Scottish guys need mates in Melbourne!

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Hey folks,


Arriving in Melbourne in September with 3 of my mates from Scotland on a WHV, all aged 22!. Ofcourse we know each other really well but we don't know a soul out in Australia so it would be cool to meet some people on here who are in a similar position or indeed anyone who fancies meeting us! It would be great to meet some folk and share experiences etc



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At least you're starting with friends. I'm off to Melbourne probably although starting place still not totally decided for end of September. Not sure where I'm going or what I'm doing when there but seemed like a good idea. I'm a female 25 and as I'm going alone thinking of starting the trip with sta travel on their work and play starter so all the boring stuff they help with. What part of Melbourne/what hostel u starting in. I'm hoping to make some friends when I get there lol if you're out there before me u could tell me what to expect

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That is true, however I am sure you will have no problem meeting people as soon as your arrive aswell. Planning to stay in St Kilda but yet to decide on a hostel. From what I have read Base seems to be a good one but I need to research more into it. We looked at the STA travel package but tbh we can set up bank accounts easily online in Scotland before we arrive and tax file number you just apply for on arrivalto Australia. So you pay for the opportunity to do activities which are planned for you but you also pay a price for that privilege!

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