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Wait for 175 or apply for 189

Guest kutsu

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Guest kutsu

Hi All,


Been a long time lurker on here and getting increasingly sick and tired of waiting for my 175 visa lodged in December 2008, having recently got married my wife is a registered nurse and we are thinking of applying with her as the primary applicant for a 189 visa,

Looking at the timescales for the 189 it looks like it could still take 12 to 18 months for the visa to get approved, my dilemma is do we hang on a bit or get the ball rolling on the 189, the fear I have is applying for the 189 and paying all that extra money and then the 175 being processed, even though I have pretty much lost hope in the 175 its murphy's law it will happen after we have applied for the 189,


Anyone in the same boat?

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Guest kutsu

I only added my wife about 8 months ago before we where married and added her as a dependant, that's the frustrating thing is that they are stuck on may '08 and have been for months, if the queue does start moving again who knows when it might stop, the silly thing is they are getting a nurse with a degree and this doesn't count for anything without reapplying

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Haven't really been following cat 5 so didnt realise that they had been stuck for so long. There might be some movement now it is the new program year.


It really depends if you are willing to just wait it out - or write off what you have spent out so far and start again.


189 are getting processed quite fast now. If your wife can pass the points test, next step would be skills assessment, which will require Academic IELTS, then assessment by ANMC and registering with APHRA. Depending on points hopefully you will be invited quickly.


Only thing now is that you are now paying for each applicant - making the application more expensive.


Another option would have been to change application to 176, but maybe you would have done this already if you were able to.


Or a more risky option would be to see if your wife could be sponsored on a 457 visa, and wait it out in Australia.

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Guest kutsu

Thanks for the info, I think the most logical next step would be to apply for the 189, its going to be a slow process in the beginning booking IELTS, getting skills assessed etc, the way I see it if my 175 starts moving before we lodge the 189 we can make a decision then, when I applied for my 175 I used an agent but think we will do the 189 ourselves as I have been through most of it before its a way to keep the costs down a bit!

I may also investigate the 176 but want to have the option of staying near friends in Sydney and think we'll keep the 457 as a last resort, fingers crossed :-)

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Guest dugles
Thanks for the info, I think the most logical next step would be to apply for the 189, its going to be a slow process in the beginning booking IELTS, getting skills assessed etc, the way I see it if my 175 starts moving before we lodge the 189 we can make a decision then, when I applied for my 175 I used an agent but think we will do the 189 ourselves as I have been through most of it before its a way to keep the costs down a bit!

I may also investigate the 176 but want to have the option of staying near friends in Sydney and think we'll keep the 457 as a last resort, fingers crossed :-)


Dear Kutsu,

You are advised to make a call to DIAC tomorrow and be ready with your TRN number, File number, Client ID, DOB etc..

Ask to them that whether you have been allocated to case officer or not ? If yes then you may hear within a month or lesser time, But if they say NO then ask that upto when they have processed or being processing ? this way you would be able to determine that when is your turn with 175.

DIAC calling number is available in forum. You may experience a long delay about of 15-30 minutes and then be able to talk to operator and this is costly . You need at least $10 or equivalent

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Guest kutsu

Thanks Dugles,

Atleast I'll then know where I stand, never thought of calling them TBH and just took their timescales for granted, but you never know I may get some sense out of speaking to someone.

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Guest dugles
Thanks Dugles,

Atleast I'll then know where I stand, never thought of calling them TBH and just took their timescales for granted, but you never know I may get some sense out of speaking to someone.


DIAC operators are very kind and will give you the scale where you stand.

Skill assessment again and paying again is so costly. There is a visa fee hike already. The primary applicant $3060 and secondary applicant $1500.

Additionally all other charged like IELTS, Skill assessment etc etc..

So Better you first call DIAC and then decide according to your conditions both financially and socially.


Wish you luck dear

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