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VISA subclass 572

Isha Bendre

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I need info about visa subclass 572.


I am a Communication engineer with 6+ yrs of work exp. Can I apply for some study course in Networking or other related field. How much are the chances of success if I apply throughwww.immi.gov.au.


Shall I apply for the admission to course first or for VISA??





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Welcome to the forum. Of course you can apply, it makes no difference what job you do. You apply for the course first and then the visa.

If your plan is to get pr from your course I would think again. It is already close to impossible, with any doors left being slowly shut.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Permenant residency.

Basically, if you want to come for the experience and an Australian qualification, go for it.

If you want to live here forever you would be better off studying and getting a few years of experience in your home country.

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