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Partner visa info request


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Hi poms in oz

I'm new to this so please go easy on me :err: I would like to hear if it possible to sponsor my long term girlfriend to oz whom has a little boy from previous and cannot get in contact with him or is very restricted communication as he ran off 12 years ago (after the baby was born) I am British with permanent residency in oz and my friend is Thai passport holder but qualifies for Italian passport if it eases the procedure, the little boy is Italian passport, there is zero contact with the father but would like to learn if it is possible to sponsor them to Australia ,

Your feedback will be gratefully appreciated

Thank u in advance

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Hi dodger. You will need to establish if the father is on the birth certificate. Then you need to find out if he has parental responsibility. Whether he has, depends on when the child was born. You can find this out readily on google. If Dad hasnt got PR then you wont need permission for the child to go. If he has got PR then you will need to contact a solicitor, who will try and trace him. And I'm not quite sure what happens after that. there are lots of threads on here about this issue. Type in 'right to remove' in the search bar. Good luck!

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Hi red leader thank you so much for your feedback,, I believe the father is on the birth certificate but has not had anything to do with the child nor my friend from before the baby's birth,,so no parental responsibility. I will do the two searches you recommend on here,thanks again

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What country are they resident in? I'd think you'd probably need to get some official documentation or proof to show he has no parental rights or has no contact etc and that there is no problem in the child moving overseas.


Also, what visa were you planning on applying for? Long term girlfriend doesn't sound like de facto partner. Are you considering the PMV?


Given the different passports held by mum and child and a few other things, I'd suggest you consult a reputable migration agent regarding your case. Go Matilda come well recommended on here.

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Hi snifter they are resident in Italy. She does qualify for an Italian passport if eases up on procedure,, what official documentation is available for such requests to show he isn't about for the child or no contact?

I believe pmv maybe my best option if possible! But not sure yet,,

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Hi snifter they are resident in Italy. She does qualify for an Italian passport if eases up on procedure,, what official documentation is available for such requests to show he isn't about for the child or no contact?

I believe pmv maybe my best option if possible! But not sure yet,,


I have no clue how the courts or legal process works in Italy. I think you'd be best to consult an Italian legal bod who deals with child access and so on about the right to remove and all that. As for an Italian passport helping, again, can't say. They'd want to see proof of all passports held anyways.


I'd also say to contact a reputable migration agent to discuss your case as it doesn't sound straightforward given your partner resides in Italy on a different passport and so on. Plus the leave to remove and all that. You may need a lot more help legally and from an agent than you can get on this forum.

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