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Final stages of a 457! How long is left?


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Hello there! I'd first of all like to thank absolutely everyone on this forum. I've been a long time lurker and the advice on other threads has been invaluable in my entire journey. Without you this all would never have been possible, so I owe you more than I could ever put into words.


I was offered an internal promotion/transfer with the company I'm with at the end of March, it took long enough but my 457 was submitted on the 26th June. The company has gone through an MA so I've got no visibility of the process really other than what they tell me.


I got notification this week that the first two stages (the company and role nominations) had been passed successfully (we submitted everything together at once) and so there was only the final stage to go - which is the bit where they start to look at me personally. I'm pretty confident of passing (I've got all the skills required and have been doing the same job for plenty long enough) but after so long I'm being driven slightly stir crazy with waiting!


Does anyone have any kind of idea how long it usually takes for this final stage to go through? Thanks again!

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Does seem to be a bit of a hold up on the 457s at the moment.


its frustrating, but try and use the time to get what you need doing for the move done, cos once its finalised there never seems to be enough time.


hope you hear something soon.

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I was recently offered a job in Perth on a 457 and the company said that visa processing time stood at 6 weeks. Have you been asked for police cents and medicals?


I might have misunderstood but as I'm from the UK and going for an office job I was of the impression I didn't need medicals unless I worked with children or the unwell?


Police certificate wise I signed a declaration that said "I'm not a menace to society" and had it witnessed by a local police officer. MA said that was all I needed for a temporary visa?

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