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RSMS timeline ideas please


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There is an rsms timeline already going if you look a couple of days down. The longest I have ever seen was 15 months. That was before the influx at the end of June last year though. You are no where near alone in your wait.

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my timeline is as follows;

RCB Applied 21/08/2012

RCB Approved 26/11/2012

Nomination Applied 20/12/2012

Nomination Ack 16/01/2013

CO Asssinged 22/06/2013

Further Docs Sub 13/07/2013

Nomination Approved 15/07/2013

Further Visa Docs ASked15/07/2013

Medical done 30/07/2013

Docs submitted 3/08/2013

Visa Granted 05/08/2013

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  • 4 months later...

HI there

Just wondering have you got any respone from Diac



anyone have any idea how long the RSMS visas are taking at moment? We lodged our decision ready application 30 June 2013. Just itching to hear.... :smile:

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My timeline


paramatta , high risk country , dr


nomination & visa lodged = 13 july 2013

nomination & visa granted = 10 dec 2013


no sign of case officer alloted


good luck to everyone

this forum was very helpful for me


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