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Pre vetasses assessment


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Is there a pre assessment or something in which before paying money to Vetasses one gets some guidance. It costs about 150 dollars or something. I don't remember which forum I had read that but does anyone know about it?

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Yes yash ur right its called vetassess advisory.they charge 130$ and would let you know about the close related occupation according to ur studies and work experience.u enen get 50$ discount on vetassess assessment if u take vetassess advisory services.all u need is send them scan copies or ur last 3 degrees and they will reply in 10 working days.even i took their service as i was not sure about my suitable nominated occupation for my qualification.just google for vetassess advisory.HOpe this helps and all the best..

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So they advise which occupation to apply for. What other advice do they give? Do they tell you what kind of visa you should apply for? Or anything else? I ask this because I already know the occupation that is related to my experience and studies. Would it be of any use for me to use them?

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No yash they do not advice you about what visa you should apply.that is upto you to decide if you want to go for 189,190,or 489.i think you have the option to ask 3 questions but each one will cost you seperately.my reason for applying to them was to know which occupation suits best to my qualification.apart from that why u want to spend money u can ask any thing on this forum provided u explain ur situation.



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  • 9 months later...

Hi everyone,

I am new in this forum but hope to find out answers to my questions!

I have Master and bachelor of science both in Chemistry and worked in an electroplating company. My duties were related to my major, but you know there are 3 occupations in csol... Chemist(level 1) chemistry technician (3) and electroplater (3) and my duties are included the all of mentioned occupation's description. How do i have to conclude which one suits me? :(

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