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Partner Visa and dependent child query

Gbye grey sky

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I suspect this is an obvious answer but my wife (sponsor and Oz citizen) and I have a 9 year old daughter. I am about to package off the 47SP and 40SP dor 309/100. I have shown her as my child on page 10 but not included her in the application because my wife applied for and received her citizenship already. There is no place to refer to that on the form that I can see and no mention of this most obvious scenario. Will they just work this out or do I draw attention to it - if so, how?


Would be grateful for reassurance before posting everything.


:mask: David

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I think we just did the same as you. Don't you have to fill out their Aus pp info etc on your application IIRC?


We also included a certified copy of son's Aus and UK PP's with my application and a copy of his Aus citizenship by descent.


Plus, once I was assigned a CO I was asked to provide a full copy of son's BC with both parents names on it. So to match up the form filled in etc to show both hubby and I were named as the parents. We did have this ready to go with the application but as it wasn't on the required checklist I decided to not include it and to wait to see if it was requested.


Don't worry overly, if your CO needs extra or more info about your daughter they will ask you for it and you'll have plenty of time to provide it. Not including it in your application won't fail you or anything. Just provide what is asked for on the application and go from there :)

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Guest GeorgeD

You need to include your daughter in the section as a non-migrating dependant. Yes she is your dependant, and she isn't migrating as she has Citizenship...she might be moving to OZ, but she isn't migrating...Citizens don't migrate as you have rightly poitned out.

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