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Wendy Robinson

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Finally sent off TRA forms so i thought i would make a start on the online visa application. All was going great until i got to the passport numbers not a problem i thought so off i go to find them only to discover they are missing. After a lot of swearing and ripping the house to pieces i realised they must have been stolen when we were burgled last september so now it is going to cost £300 to replace them:sad:. Thinking things can,t get worse i thought oh well it will be worth it. Anyway we are getting the house ready to sell and just discovered my sons bedroom window is broken (he says it was alright when he went to bed then he woke up and it was broken) can't even blame the earthquake. So to fix that its going to cost £200:realmad:.To top off a wonderful week some b#####d has scratched their name into my car which we are trying to sell.:arghh: So theres another £300 to fork out all in all £800 and haven't even started visa applications yet. Whilst disscussing this with OH he says it's ok we'll just get everything sorted (cos money grows on trees obviously). Anyway feeling better now i've got that off my chest.:smile: Speak to you again soon.




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Guest leanneandmark

Sounds a bit like us!! We had a lovely BIG tax rebate last yr, 6 months later we get a BIG tax bill!! ok great, get a loan to pay it shud've told em to keep rebate. Just finishing sorting loan, and we get another bill, for his company tax !!! Ahhhh:arghh:

But why do men do that??.......Ah don't worry it'll sort it self out!!!

Yeh that really bloody helps!!.

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