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Where to live?

Guest jane

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hi me my hubby and three kids/ boys want to move to oz ,got the forms but we have not got a clue were we want to live ,were do we start ? we just want a better life for the boys and us . :oops:

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Guest SaltyCrackers

Hi Jane


I see your location is Manchester .... well, I am only assuming now but I reckon you'd want sunshine and beach lifestyle? You have 2 options: Perth or Queensland.


Im in Perth, originally, even though I lived in the UK for around 5 years. I dragged my Essex born and Wales/London bred partner over to Perth when we were pregnant with our boy in 2003 and he just loves it here. The good thing about Perth is that its laid back with a very small town country feel but its a city. Granted it dosent have the 'big city' appeal yet most things are available. It definately does NOT have that rat race feel, no ones in a hurry. Its the opposite, its all laid back. Fantastic if you were a home owner in the UK. You can afford to buy in a really good suburb with good schools. The house prices here are affordable - prices in the Eastern States sky rocket. You can live comfortably here on one wage (providing the wage is half decent) and the government assists also if need be (Im not sure what visa you will be travelling with, you'll need to double check the criteria for government assistance (if you need it that is!) ).


Job wise, thats where it gets a little tricky. Depending on what field you guys are in. Office Admin/Reception - no problems. Alot on offer. Same in Construction/Project management/mining, oil, engineering. Look on http://www.seek.com.au - you can do searches according to cities and occupations, comes up with all jobs available. Its great.


Queensland is basically the same lifestyle as Perth but bigger. One of my friends (another expat) has moved to Brisbane with her boyfriend so all this info I have on Queensland is through her and her boyfriend. The quality of life is generally the same as Perth because of the weather and beaches but dont forget its a much bigger city than Perth, so real estate would probably be more expensive as it covers alot more area. When it comes to work, its obvious that there is more scope than Perth. And dont quote me on this but Im pretty sure that the wages are better in the Eastern States due to the bigger city lifestyle.... think London in comparison to say, Newcastle.


But in my honest opinion, knowing what Manchester is like (but not as well as you obviously..) Im guessing you'd be after sunshine and warmth. So my two picks: Perth and Queensland.


Go online and find websites for them both, Im not too sure which ones are any good as I havent ever looked for that kind of thing but do look on this website http://www.realestate.com.au - its brilliant for sales and rentals, and it should give you a fair idea on properties. The site also has links about the particular state you're looking in, you know, those kinds of 'Living in Perth' type of sites.


Anyway, I hope your decision is easy and smooth!! I hope I havent waffled on too much and confused the hell out of you!!!


All the best xxxxx

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Guest markyblueyes

hi guys


i would say perth most definately, we are also a family of 5. we have been to oz 3 times and lived their for a yr. weve travelled all over and seen the best that the country has to offer.


we got back from perth last week having done a bit of a reccie before the big move. and as the previous comments state. its so laid back (not suitable for all argueably) but what a place. the winter weather was great the suburbs are great, the indian ocean is great the people great the opportunity to have a comfortable living great, the outdoor life for the family great, its just





great!!! :P

and most of all------- the indian ocean sunsets are free to all, a sight to behold and insue you with that overwhelming feel good factor

good luck on your chosen path, you can always try another!!



ps queensland is ok too but a lot more humid than dry

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Thanks guys, :lol: that is really helpfull ,perth sounds great! my brother lives in sydney but i think it is to exspensive , with 3 kids, yes we do own are own home so we will be looking to buy .

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Guest Sunshine


We have settled in Adelaide and think its fantastic, climate suits us, quite dry so not as humid as other parts of Oz, not as busy as Sydney or Melbourne, house prices are very reasonable, beaches are fantastic and the scenery is breath taking.

Not sure on the job situation as my hubby had a job lined up before we arrived, and i don't work.

Like Perth Adelaide is laid back, pace of life suits us, plenty of outdoor activities and a comfortable standard of living.

So make sure you consider Adelaide. Much the same as Perth I recon but alot closer to the other states when you want to visit.

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Hi, Perth is nice but i found it isolated, where In Brisbane (queensland) you can go 2000 ks north or south and see many places and main cities.

The house prices in brisbane are very good, the weather here is generally very good but jan - march is very hot and humid, make sure u have a car and home with air con or u will need a swimming pool and a fridge full of beer LOL look at http://www.realnet.com.au for homes and prices

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Markie1



Have been looking through peoples comments and view, noticed that you live in Adelaide. We are looking at the surrounding suburbs and jsut trying to find out info on the different towns.


I am an all round builder and my wife is a secretary in a school, we have a 10 year old son, so schooling is very important to us.


Any info much appreciated.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest niftynigel


we are moving over very soon and have been thinking of adalaide could you give me ideas on good family areas with good schools my children will be 9 and 6 ,public transport would be a plus as would shops,also on the job front my wife currently works with adults with learning disabilities,and i am a builder quilified as bricklayer but have done and be willing to do something else,we have sold and looking to rent until november then move over as we would like to get the kids in school for the new year in feb is that right? all info would be great

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