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Time for a Sydney social thread

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Well after a few months here thought it was time to get a social group going.


We have met some great people here since we arrived but starting from scratch and making new friends is hard going, Im guessing that we aren't the only ones in this boat so I thought id go out on a limb and see if something couldn't be done about it.


So here goes lol,


My wife and I are both professionals and living on Darling harbor, 30 ( 'ish on my part ) and no kids.


Love the whole eating out and going for a few drinks scene, Well into the rugby ( Will be out Saturday for the Lions match! Watching at Helm bar by the aquarium) and just generally enjoying everything Sydney has to offer other than that.


So if there's anyone about wanting to make some new friends get in touch!!

I know the Ex-pats forum has a Thursday drinks club going in Sydney so maybe we could get something similar going on on this forum???

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I'm not out there until Christmas (mustn't forget the sun cream!). Me and Mrs B will definitely be up for getting together with some like-minded. As you rightly point out - you're not the only ones in that boat, so let's see if this thread gains any momentum. Hopefully by the time we get out there, you'll have a whole network to introduce!!



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Hey Michael my fiancé and I have been here for nearly a year and only have a small work social group, time to expand we think. We enjoy going out and enjoying what Sydney has to offer. I'm in fire protection trade and cheryl my partner is in business admin.

We are out to watch the rugby tomorrow night have to pop to the helm where it seems a lot of Brits will be heading.



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@ The Pom Queen, Funny you mention the Sydney forum, My wife Claire ( Clairebear82 ) is running a shockingly similar thread there all ready lol


@ Newtowner, Your are more than welcome to join in the fun and festivities tomorrow while we watch the Lions trounce the locals (wishful thinking I know but its the taking part that counts). By the looks of it theres going to be a bit of a crowed so should be a good giggle for all. Hope to see you tomorrow night. Claire and I are planning to be there for about 7 but if you fancy heading in early I can highly recommend the food (and beer) at Helm, $25 will get you 1KG of prawns and $12 for a 2 pint jug of beer/cider the rest of the menu is all top notch too of course :-)


Look forward to meeting you tomos

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys,

I would love to meet up, it wold be great to get a group going regularly. I am 42 and living in Westmead, Western Sydney, near Parramatta, having arrived on 30th January this year. I am here alone and am finding it particularly difficult as don't know many people. I am a nurse so work shifts but if I am free when you get together, I will be there.

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Hi Tracey,


Your more than welcome to join on the next social we sort out. Im planning on starting another thread to try and get something going with everyone on here, Got plans the next two weekends all ready but thinking maybe the weekend after that and try to get a proper crowed out!!Me and Claire are generally floating about town most of the time any way so if you fancy trying to sort meeting for a coffee or something stronger before that im sure we can work something out :-)




Quick edit and a shameless link to my new post for a get together :-)



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