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We made it here!


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I haven't posted in a while as we've been somewhat busy moving! We're here all safe and sound - the flights from the UK with a 6 year old, 4 year old, 3 year old and 19 month old were pretty good - the older three were angelic and the baby could have been much worse! We're in a serviced apartment in Brisbane CBD while we wait to move into a house we have rented in Cannon Hill. We've found a private school that will keep the older two in their English years as opposed to dropping them down (they're August babies).


First impressions are that the winter weather is great, the playgrounds are superb and the locals are very welcoming and friendly. Brisbane itself is clean and compact. The food at the supermarket is not as expensive as I thought it would be (some stuff, like chicken breast, is definitely cheaper than the UK), but money runs through your fingers when you are out and about! The ferries in Brisbane are great fun for the kids - we got Go cards on our second day. My husband checked out the Medicare service at A&E last week after he dropped a knife on his foot and the resulting cut needed gluing - he was pretty impressed. He also managed last minute tickets to the Lions match :)


I'm aware that we're in the honeymoon period of settling and so we're viewing it all through rose-tinted glasses, but as I was ambivalent about coming in the first place, we're off to a good start!


Rosie, x

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